Some days on the Farm are sad. Final Baby Girl story.
Warning…..this is not a happy, feel good post.
For all of you that haven been following Baby Girl, you can read about her here, I have sad news. We went to feed her the other day and found her dead. My Farmer and I are both very sad about it. We both had become very attached to her, even though she was becoming quite a nuisance. We wonder what the cause of her death was and if there was something we could have done. She had so many problems through out her short life. We are guessing that she must have had more problems then we knew about.

That’s the way it is sometimes on the farm. The animals all look fine one day, then you go out the next day and find something dead. It’s not a happy moment when you have one of those days. The animals depend on us and when we lose one we feel as if we have failed.

We did give Baby Girl a good life, short as it was. She over came many obstacles during her life and I guess this obstacle, what ever it may have been, was one too many.
We put a lot of time and money into her and from a business stand point, it doesn’t make sense to do that. If we find ourselves in that situation again, yep, we will do it again. Because that’s what we do. We raise livestock. We care about our livestock. We work at taking care of them. If we find another calf that the stupid mom walks away from, we will do everything we possibly can to raise that calf. That’s what we did with Baby Girl. It just didn’t work out.
That’s how it is when you are Livin’ the life, the Farm Life that is. Some days are sad.