Ag Ed 101

Let's learn about Ag

  • hill top view
    Ag Ed 101,  Cattle,  Farming

    Why oh Why do we farm??

    REPOST!! Original post date…. April 30, 2017. The question, Why do we farm?, was asked the other day. (It may have been me asking, it may have been my Farmer asking. Can’t really remember 😉 ) I remembered that I had written a blog post about this exact question years ago, so I decided to find it. It took a bit of digging, but I found it. After reading it, I decided I liked what I had written, so instead of writing a whole new post, I am reposting this old post. I wrote it 4 years ago. Wow, how time flies when you are having fun Livin’ the Life,…

  • Farmer in a field
    Ag Ed 101,  Cattle,  Farming,  Items of Interest,  Life

    Thank You Farmers Video

    I while back I wrote a blog about “thanking” other farmers. Well, I did “thank” my Farmer in it too. Remember though, he doesn’t want to be “thanked”. He just wants to be “appreciated”. If you missed it you can read it here. I wrote about how this Covid 19 pandemic has made me think about things I have taken for granted….probably all my life. And honestly, I hope that through this crazy time, everyone takes a moment to stop and think about what they have and be grateful for it. A lot of “thanking” has been going on lately. From thanking the nurses and doctors on the front lines,…

  • Ag Ed 101,  Cattle

    How to tell when a Cow is Calving…

    How do you tell when a cow is calving OR maybe I should say in labor?This was always kind a of game or contest, between my Father-in-Law and my Farmer. Guessing which cow was going to calve next. Maybe I should clarify, it’s not really a game because it is important. When we know that a cow is in labor, we pay close attention to make sure she calves within a certain amount of time. If she goes to long, that means there could be a problem and she may need help. My father-in-law was really good at it, or so I thought. He could always guess the cow that…