• islage image
    Ag Ed 101,  Cattle

    Making Silage…..or as we call it….Making Islage.

    This year we made islage. What the heck is islage, you may ask. If I was to say we made silage, or even say ensilage, then you may know what I am talking about. I think it’s one of those “farm terms” that some call it this and some call it that and others call it this and that. I think I’ve even heard it called haylage. Whatever the correct terminology is, on our farm, it’s islage. Evidently that’s not a word. According to Google anyways. But, since this is my blog and I am in control, I am calling it islage. It’s easier to spell a word the way…

  • my Farmer feeding

    Dancing with the Cows, my Farmer’s way

      I feel it is time for a funny story. Since my Farmer has not done anything stupid funny lately, I pulled up my notes I keep on things to blog about and I found this story. I wrote it a few years back, after we lost our dog and before we got the current one, but never published it. As I was reading it, I found myself laughing and figured if it made me laugh, maybe it would make somebody else laugh.  Yes, it is making fun of my Farmer, and he will probably not like hearing about it from his friends, SO DON’T TELL HIM!! (Ahhh what the…

  • Cattle,  Life

    Tractor Snow Art and Cows

    My mind tends to wander when I’m driving the tractor feeding cows.  It’s a tad bit of a boring job for 20 minutes and it’s amazing what can go through a girls head during that time.  But don’t worry, I’m still paying attention; for the most part.  That’s what I tell my Farmer anyhow.  Today in my mind, I was imagining doing some Tractor Snow Art, making a design in the snow with the tractor.  Something for Christmas like a star, or ho ho ho.  Merry Christmas would probably be to much.  Our feedlot is right under the flight path of our local airport so all the planes coming in…