
Out with the New Pot…in with the Old Pot…Coffee Pot that is…for now anyways…

Our automatic drip coffee maker quit working. BIG dilemma! We HAVE to have coffee in the morning or my Farmer will not function. (I’m fine, I can have my tea) So….in came the coffee pot from our camping supplies.

coffee pot
camper coffee pot

It’s a bit black from the many camp fires it’s made coffee on but that’s ok. OK, fine. It’s very black. At this point, looks do not matter. Being able to make coffee does!! And Oh MY GOODNESS!!! Waking up this morning to the aroma of percolating coffee was SOOOO wonderful! It took me back to my childhood. Waking up to the smell of freshly percolating coffee was the norm in our house growing up. My mom preferred it that way even after she had an automatic drip maker. As I am typing this, I realize that I have my mom’s coffee pot. I guess I could have used it instead. It is a bit more presentable. Oh well, my Farmer likes his camp coffee pot. Here’s a picture of my mom’s. I also have my Farmer’s grandmother’s electric percolator coffee pot sitting there beside it. It even still has the cord, but I am not brave enough to use it!

moms coffee pot
Mom’s coffee pot and my Farmer’s grandma’s electric coffee pot

I love the smell of coffee. I REALLY love the smell of percolating coffee. The smell is just not the same with the auto drip coffee makers. I will buy a new automatic drip coffee maker, and probably a programmable one. But for now, I think we might just use this pot for a few more days. The coffee made in it is really pretty good, but the aroma….ya, that is the best. It’s the best thing to wake up to in the mornings. The smell and sound of coffee perking. It really makes me feel that I am Livin’ the Life, the Farm Life that is.

By the way, if you are a coffee drinker, I would highly recommend checking out Long Valley Coffee. They are a local coffee company, they are super wonderful people, and they have excellent coffee! I would love to hear your comments about coffee or even old coffee pots that you may have. Leave me a comment below, and thanks for following along!

Well, I have to add an update. I thought that coffee pot was my moms, but my sister told me she bought it at a yard sale to replace the one mom had. She’s a kill joy some times. 😉 Well, I’m still going with it being my mom’s. It was her’s for a while and it is just like the one she had when we were growing up. 😉


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