
Let’s talk Toilet Paper

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Let’s talk toilet paper. What kind do you buy? A specific brand? A generic brand? Do you check price and buy the cheapest or what’s on sale? Do you buy double ply or single ply? I am a double ply kind of gal.

A while back, I bought some single ply toilet paper, by mistake. I always buy double ply. Actually, I used to only buy one specific brand. One that did not leave lint particles when unrolled. I really didn’t know this was a thing until a friend mentioned it to me. The wall in my bathroom that held the toilet paper holder, was a dark color and sure enough, certain brands of toilet paper left lint on the wall. I started buying the kind she suggested. Then, when I repainted my bathroom over a year ago, I couldn’t see the lint particles anymore, so I kind of forgot about the issue and on a whim, bought a different brand of tp. I preceded to buy different ones, after all there are so many to choose from. Sometimes I’d buy the cheaper one, sometimes I’d buy what was on sale.

Until now. I am going back to that one brand I used to buy so I do not screw up again like I did 5 months ago. When I accidentally bought the single ply toilet paper. My Farmer was the first one to use it and of course he asks why I bought single ply. I was like what??!? I didn’t mean to if I did. Of course, I ran right in and had to check for myself to see if he knew what he was talking about. Yep, it was single ply. No big deal, I thought. We will just use double the amount and it will be fine. NOT! In my opinion, it seems like you have to use triple the amount! AND!!! That shit stuff lasts FOREVER!!!!! If you have issues with people in the household not changing the toilet paper roll, buy single ply. One roll lasts forever!!!! I figured, using up to 3 times the amount of paper, we would go through the supply in no time and I would buy my old standby, no matter what it cost. STILL! using the single ply!! We were down to just a few rolls left, so I bought some good ole double ply and put it in the cupboard. We used up the last of the single ply roll (or so I thought) and put on a double ply roll. So wonderful! (don’t judge here. I can’t believe I am saying this either) Then, yesterday, the wonderful, soft, double ply roll of toilet paper ran out and a new one was put on. (honestly, I’m not sure who did it, because my Farmer is really good about changing the roll anymore. Sometimes, better then me) Anyways, the new roll that went on was frickinsingle ply!!! Holy shit crap!!! I’m beginning to think that single ply crap is never gonna go away!!

OK. My rant is over. If you do use single ply, I am not judging you here. Actually, I can understand why a person would use single ply toilet paper. It is cheaper, and it lasts FOREVER!!! Less trips to the store for toilet paper. That is a huge benefit.

For me, I am going back to my old kind. If I can remember what it was. I think it was Angel something. I’m not sure. There are so many different kinds in the grocery store isle, it’s a bit mind boggling. I can tell you this for sure, the next time I am shopping for toilet paper, I will check to make sure it is not single ply. Well, unless I am in a hurry, and I forget, and I accidentally grab the wrong kind….which is highly likely, because I do shit stuff like that a lot, evidently! As that’s the reason for the writing of this post!

I would love for you to leave a comment and tell me what kind of toilet paper you use in your household. I am up for suggestions on good toilet paper. I am in the market for some. (wink, wink and smiles)

Anyways, that’s how it is here today on the farm, as I am still Livin’ the Life, the Farm Life that is. Only, this week it’s still with single ply.


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