You know you are married to a farmer when…………
He offers to take you out to lunch…..because he needs something from the parts store in town.
Your big vacation for the year includes attending an agricultural event.
You’re all dressed up for a nice evening out on the town, but you stop, just real quick, to check on the cows. Sure enough one is calving, so the evening is cut short.
Your garden spot gets worked up with the field tractor.
You plan your vacations (if you get to take one) and special events around planting, harvesting, and calving season.
Your farmer tells you to take the day off so you choose to have lunch in town with your girl friends. While at lunch, you receive a call asking if you are still in town and if you wouldn’t mind stopping by the parts store and picking up some parts.
You finally get to go on a camping trip because it rained enough to shut the irrigation water off.
During planting or harvesting time, the only way to have some quality time together is to ride in the tractor with your farmer.
Some days being married to a farmer can be trying. After 39 years, I think I am finally getting used to it. I’ve learned to go with the flow and make the best out of whatever comes our way. That’s how I’m Livin’ the Life, the Farm Life that is and loving every minute of it. Well, most minutes of it anyways.
Do you have a something to add to my “You know you’re married to a farmer when……”? I would love to hear it!! Leave me a comment.

Hilarious!! Love hearing about your farm life 🙂
Thanks Laura!
Laura Lee
I got a good chuckle out of this!
Thanks Laura Lee
How very interesting! Thank you from sharing a glimpse into the live of a farmer’s wife!
Thanks for taking the time to stop by Shirley!
Well I can definitely say after this post I am not married to a farmer lol! Love the post! Farmers do so much hard work!!
It’s hard but it’s rewarding….most of the time. 😉 Thanks for stopping by!
Lisa Manderino
Very insightful and humorous!
Thanks Lisa
OMG the one about one of the cows calving… lol
Thanks Meagn! It happens more than you would think!
These are great. Loved reading this!
Thanks Debbie!
I haven’t been married to a farmer but I remember hearing stories and kinda have some similarities with my hubby the handyman and his customers emergencies seem to be worked into our date nights or going into town. Always seems to be a multitasked destinations.
Oh YA! I bet they do! That’s how it is when you own your own business right?!? Thanks Karie for sharing that and for stopping by!
Kyndall Bennett
🤣 This is great! My fiance’s mom had goats for a while, and one of them HATED my pink shoelaces to where he would always try to buck my ankles! After a few dodging attempts and pure willpower not to start a fight with the little creature, every time we went to visit, my main thought was, “Baby, I love you dearly. but I pray to God you don’t ask for me to raise goats one day!”
HaHAHAHA, Love it!! Thanks for sharing that! That put a smile on MY face! Thanks Kyndall for stopping by!
Leigh Ann Newman
This is a phenomenal list! I’ve been married to my farmer almost 20 years and have experienced everyone of the items on your list. In fact, I found myself nodding along with each one. I can add one, “You know you’re married to a farmer when you both sit up straight in bed in the middle of the night during a rain storm and ask each other if you remembered to cover the seeding drills up before coming in for the day.”
Oh YES Leigh Ann!!! Have done that!!! Thanks for the add! 🙂
I am not married to a farmer but found this humorous. Will be interesting to see what others add to this list…
Thanks angela!
Kymberly Irwin
I truly enjoyed reading this!!! Funny about the lunch and parts store. Can ya blame him, though? 🙂 Whenever anyone asks me to go anywhere, the first thing I think about is whether or not I can turn it into an article. 🙂
Thanks! You are right, totally cant not blame him. Thanks Kymberly for stopping by.
Was your farmer from a farming family? Or did it come after your marriage? I have a friend whose husband retired from his profession to become a farmer and he loves it so much. So does my friend.
My Farmer grew up here. His family has been farming here since 1911. I grew up rural but not on a farm. I’m glad your friends have become farmers and love it. We do need farmers. It’s a tough life some times, by its a great life. Thanks for stopping by!
These are spot on! I found myself shaking my head “yes” as I’m reading through them 🙂 Oh the errand lists…”while your there would you” are always a staple.
You could probably add more to the list!! Thanks for stopping by Suzan.
Haha! This made me laugh. My husband takes me to lunch only when needs something in town too.
Glad it made you laugh. We’ll take lunch out any time we can get it right?!? lol Thanks for stopping by!
Allyson Spieler
Can’t say I’m married to a farmer but I know lots of them! lol
lol. Thanks for taking to time to stop by Allyson!!
Haley Kelley
Coming from a family of farmers I totally get it! Super accurate lol
Thanks Haley! I’m sure you can add more to the list!!
This is too funny and cute not to share! Love it!
Thanks Kendra! I appreciate the share!!
Angela Greven | Mean Green Chef
Well, you and your dear farmer are certainly doing it right, congrats on 39 years! I love your blog and adventures around the farm, thank you so much for sharing 🤗
Thanks Angela!
Christina Furnival| Real Life Mama
Haha this is great. From the title I knew I’d enjoy this post and I did.
Thanks CHristina!
This is very cute!
Thanks Heather!
`This was so funny. I grew up in farm country (southern Illinois). My folks were teachers, but my friends always had this list, too, even as kids. LOL
Yes, the kids too. My boys some times felt they were deprived because they lived on a farm. Now they are older and appreciate it now. Thanks for stopping by.
These are true! I teach in a rural high school in Southwest Missouri, and a lot of my colleagues are farmer’s wives. I’ve heard all of this! 😂
Awesome! Plus you’ve heard more I’m sure! Thanks for stopping by!
Junell DuBois
We have farmers in our family and this list is so true!
I’m sure they can add more to it!! lol Thanks for stopping by!
Catherine McGuinness
As someone who knows very little about farming, this was still a hilarious read!
Thanks Catherine. My goal is to put a smile on other peoples faces. Thanks for stopping by!
hahaha these are great!
Thanks Jen! Thanks for taking the time to stop and check it out!
It sounds like you have a wonderful life together! 😊
Thanks Cindy. It’s a good life to share. Thanks for stopping by!
My sister in law and her family live on the farm and tells us these same things. The biggest one is planning trips (like you said if you get one at all) around planting, harvesting, and calving.
Its true!! This was the hardest thing for me to get use to, but now it’s just how it is. Tell her to hang in there. It’s all worth it. Thanks for stopping by!!
Annette Durbin
Great comments about farm life. While I read the last one, the song, “She thinks my tractor’s sexy” came to mind. LOL
Thanks Annette. Thanks for making me laugh with you comment about the sext tractor.Love it!!! 🙂