Farmer in a field
Ag Ed 101,  Cattle,  Farming,  Items of Interest,  Life

Thank You Farmers Video

I while back I wrote a blog about “thanking” other farmers. Well, I did “thank” my Farmer in it too. Remember though, he doesn’t want to be “thanked”. He just wants to be “appreciated”. If you missed it you can read it here. I wrote about how this Covid 19 pandemic has made me think about things I have taken for granted….probably all my life. And honestly, I hope that through this crazy time, everyone takes a moment to stop and think about what they have and be grateful for it.

A lot of “thanking” has been going on lately. From thanking the nurses and doctors on the front lines, to the first responders, to the grocery store clerks. And it is all rightfully deserved! As a nation, I am very proud of the way we have come together to make it through this difficult time. I say that thinking about the issue with masks. One day the news states that there is a shortage of masks. Within days, people all across the lands are making masks and donating them. To me, that shows what kind of a country we are. We do come together in need.

I received an email asking if I would share a video. The following part of this blog post may sound like a sponsored post but it is not. I am not getting paid for this. I wish, 😉 but I am not. I am sharing it because I believe in it’s message. It is a very good, well made video. It says what I feel. I am including who made it and why, because I feel that also is important. This video brings a “youth voice” to the conversation about food. It is sharing a message of confidence and gratitude for the farmers who grow the crops, milk the cows, feed the livestock and collect the eggs.

Please share this video. I do not know how many of you realize this, or even have really thought about it, but Agriculture is one industry that we can not live with out. You all eat right?! If you do not grow it yourself, then you depend on someone else to do it. If you do grow it yourself, you are a part of agriculture. It is also important to remember, as I wrote about in this post here, agriculture provides us with a lot more then just food and fiber. What we get from the by-products, that we can’t live with out (well, somethings we can, but I don’t want to), is mind blowing.

Watch the video, share it, and thanks. I appreciate you all. Together, we all make this nation great. Together, we all make the world great. Together, we will get through this.

Video Thanks America’s Farmers for Keeping the Nation Fed

Trouw Nutrition USA is sending a message of gratitude and confidence to America’s farmers in a new video titled, “Thank You, Farmers.” Narrated by a young girl wearing a face mask, the video highlights the resilient, get-it-done spirit of farmers who are keeping the nation fed. 

“The crops are still being grown. The cows are still being milked. The eggs are still being collected. The livestock are still being fed,” says the narrator, noting, “At a time of much uncertainty, one thing we can all be sure of is our nation’s farmers will keep feeding America.”

The video was inspired by the company’s farmer customers who stand at the frontlines of the nation’s food supply. “So many recent news stories have focused on disruptions in the supply chain resulting from the pandemic, and we really wanted to highlight the humble heroes behind the scenes who keep on feeding our nation day after day,” said Dan Baker, VP of Marketing & Innovation.

While the video footage focuses on farmers working in the fields and on the farm, the narration is voiced by a young farm girl. “We wanted to recognize not just the heroes on the tractors and in the barns today, but the caring, grateful and responsible attitude we see in the next generation of farmers,” said Baker.

The video is available on the Trouw Nutrition’s social channels at, FacebookLinkedIn, and Twitter.

About Trouw Nutrition — Trouw Nutrition, the animal division of Nutreco, provides products, models and services to boost productivity and support animal health and well-being through all life stages. With unique, species-specific solutions, Trouw Nutrition has been meeting the needs of companion animal owners, farmers, feed producers, integrators and distributors since 1931.  

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