UPDATE on the Twins!!
UPDATE!!!! On the set of twins I wrote about previously here. The momma and the first born calf are both doing fine and are out in the pasture with the rest of the herd. We were able to take her bracelets off the next day which was great. She really does love her baby now. And actually, before we let them out of the pen, the other twin had figured out how to eat off their momma. She, the calves are heifers, would wait until her sister (the one the momma liked) was eating and then she would sneak in and eat also. It was cute. The momma does not have enough milk to feed both calves, so we only sent her out into the field with the one. However, the 2nd twin now has a momma too. We had a calf die the other day, (we are not sure how it died) so we brought that momma to the corral. She is currently going through the “convincing” session to learn to love her adopted calf. She has a pair of bracelets on, like the other momma did, so she can’t kick the calf. It’s been two days, and she already is talking to the baby and continues to let her eat even after my Farmer leaves the pen. I’m pretty confident that in two days, they will be a pair, we can take her bracelets off, and will be able to let them out with the rest of the herd. I like that ‘cuz it’s always better for the calf to be raised with a momma and that means one less calf for us to feed with a bottle all summer. It makes Livin’ the Life, the Farm Life that is a tad bit easier.
Sorry I don’t have any pictures of Sister Two’s new momma. I will try to get some and post them later.