‘Twas the Week before Christmas on the Farm
‘Twas the week before Christmas and all through the farm,
all the critters were stirrin’, even the cats in the barn.
The work gloves were hung by the chimney with care
in hopes of them dryin’ by the warm fire’s air.
The cattle were nestled, all snug in straw beds,
mooing so softly, as their Farmer counted heads.
“Christmas is comin’,” they heard their Farmer say,
“Best do some shoppin’ or I’ll be sleepin’ in the hay.
I’m headin’ to town to buy my Missus a gift,
You all best be good and I’ll be back in a jiff.”
“Christmas is coming!” the cows said with a moo.
As they chewed on their cud they thought, we’ll prepare too!
“What’s Christmas?” Lil’ Calf asked as he nuzzled his mom.
“It’s a very special day” his mom said ever so calm.
“A man they call Santa arrives on Christmas eve,
bringing gifts and happiness to those that believe.
He comes in a sleigh with reindeer that fly,
Christmas eve night, he will appear in the sky.”
“Lights are all strung on the houses and trees,
decorations galore across the lands and the seas.
Twinkling and shining, they are ever so bright.
Giving everything a glow. It’s really a sight!
People are happy. People are caring.
Christmas is a time of loving and sharing.”
“Oh My! How wonderful”, Lil’ Calf leaped up to say.
“What must we do to prepare for this day?”
The cows then all mooed, saying “We must do our very best.
By behaving ourselves, not causing our Farmer any stress.
No jumping fences or pushing through gates,
Those are all things our Farmer so hates.
No causing trouble, and soon you will see,
How wonderfully happy our Farmer will be.
That, Lil’ Calf, is the best gift there is.
To make others happy, it’s how Christmas begins.”
‘Twas now Christmas Eve, and all through the farm,
Not a critter was stirrin’. All was so calm.
The work gloves were hung by the chimney with care,
in hopes that Santa Clause would bring a new pair.
Farmer and his wife were all snuggled in bed,
dreamin’ of past blessings and what lies head.
The cattle were nestled all snug in their straw,
and Lil’ Calf listened and waited in awe.
When suddenly an object appeared in the sky,
Santa and his sleigh, and the reindeer that fly!
He flew above the cattle, his heart full of joy.
He sprinkled special feed for them all to enjoy.
“In behaving yourselves and acting your best,
You gave the best gift; your Farmer’s happy, not stressed.
True Christmas joy comes from giving not receiving.”
Then he winked at Lil’ Calf and said “Thanks for believing.”
Santa gave his team a whistle, and they arose in the sky.
Leavin’ the farm feelin’ blessed and their joy, oh so high.
Lil’ Calf heard Santa shout as he flew out of sight,
“Merry Christmas to this farm, and to all, a good night!”