• fun farm facts
    Ag Ed 101

    Fun Ag Facts

    As you know, I love sharing Ag facts. I love the crazy facts the most, like what is the number of jaw movements a cow has a day, or what was the first vegetable grown in outer space. And then there are other facts that I feel are important for us all to know, like what percentage of the U.S. population are farmers, and what percentage of their disposable income does the average American spend on food. The answers to the first questions you can find on my Ag Trivia page here. The answers to the last questions you can find below in this post. The American Farm Bureau Federation,…

  • cattle grazing
    Ag Ed 101,  Cattle,  Life

    A Cow, A Hog, and A Sheep have WHAT in Common?

    As I mentioned in my post about the importance of Agriculture in our everyday lives, Ag touches our lives in ways most people have never imagined. When it comes to cattle, hogs, and sheep, almost the entire body of the animal is used in one way or another to benefit humans. For example, from the body of a typical 1,000 steer, approximately 400 pounds is beef. The remainder is “by-products”. By-products are anything derived as a secondary item in processing. Though less visible, by-products from these animals play a vital role in maintaining and improving the quality of human life. The following is a list of just a few ways…