Raking Hay with the birds is no longer a Big Deal…
As I was raking hay yesterday I noticed a gull flying around the field and it reminded me of this blog I wrote years ago. Since I have been unable to sit down and write a new post lately, I have decided to share this old one. No editing, just copy and paste share. I will add one update….I wrote this in 2011 and since then we have bought a new to us hay rake that I pull with a tractor with a cab. It even has air conditioning! (that works most of the time) SO Thankful!!!!

Today I was raking hay. No big deal, it’s what I have been doing for the last 2 weeks. The tractor that I drive when I rake hay is an open tractor, meaning it does not have a cab. No big deal, at least it has power steering. As I was raking along, there were a bunch of sea gulls flying around. No big deal, there are always birds flying around. (Are they still called sea gulls if they are not by the sea?) Anyways, I was watching one bird as it was flying over me and it seemed to be getting kind of close. No big deal, as long as he didn’t decide to poop as he was directly over me. Then I turn and look behind me and there he was, flying right behind me, at eye level! I could literally see his eyes moving as he was looking for lunch. THIS became a BIG DEAL. He just kept following me, right smack behind me, at eye level. I was totally starting to freak out. I was having flash backs to a scary movie I watched when I was little. Something about tons and tons of birds attacking people! Does anyone remember this movie? I’m sure it was sea gulls that were doing the attacking in the movie. And I’m sure this gull and his friends were going to attack me if they didn’t see any mice soon. Lucky for me, he found a mouse to attack instead of me. No big deal, life is good now. But it was totally Freaky!! Hopefully tomorrow, they follow my Farmer and not me, otherwise, I’m going to have to request a tractor with a cab.
I hope you enjoyed my repost. That is what we are doing now…haying. I better log out of here and get my tractor started up. Cuz as the saying goes…Ya gotta make hay when the sun shines and the sun is shining!! Hip hip hooray!! That’s how it is when you are Livin’ the Life, the Farm Life that is.

Leigh Ann
I live your post! I’m living the farm life too and we are haying. It’s a hot process but necessary for our horses!
Yes! our animals need and depend on us to feed them. Hope you are having a good haying season.
I have always wanted to live on a farm. I love how you repost an old post that still relates to today with an update.
I wasn’t sure if it was kosher to repost but I did it anyways. My blog so my rules right! LOL. Thanks for reading Becky!
Yup, Alfred Hitchcock forever ruined seagulls and crows for me, lol!
Oh my gosh!! I can imagine this. It reminds me of this creeper deer that we see when we go camping. It stands there and stares for hours without blinking.
Creeper deer, that’s funny. After a while you probably wonder if its real or not right?!? It’s amazing how deer can do that.
Adrienne Redelings
That is too funny! I’m glad you survived 😁 I had a similar experience with a flock of geese chasing my kids and I. Birds can be scary!
Thanks Adrienne! Geese are scary!
My moms favorite movie is the birds, it reminded me of that! Haha
I could NEVER watch it! I only seen enough to freak me out!
I use that saying “you gotta make hay when the sun shines” all the time with my sales team!
It’s a true saying and so many people use it!! Thanks for reading Pam!
this is hilarious. was laughing so much 🙂 thank you for sharing
Thank you Alexandra!
Arianny Rodriguez
Wow those are really big machines!
It is big. It was very intimidating at first but now I’m used to it. Thanks for stopping by!
Kyndall Bennett
I know what movie you’re referring to! I never watched the film, but my family took me to one of those 3D/4D interactive shows that was based on that film where we had to wear the 3D dark glasses! I didn’t even know what the ride was about! I just remembered freaking out and keeping my eyes closed during the whole second half of the show!
Oh Man!! 3D!! That would have been terrible! My eyes would have been closed too!
Annette Durbin
Farm life seems so relaxing! I love being out in nature, and this is what it reminds me of. I do know there is A LOT of hard work that goes into each day, but being outside in God’s world is wonderful.
Being outside is the best part of this life….as long as the weather is nice!!! lol Thanks for stopping by!