East evening view

I’ve been a little under the wintery weather lately….

Wondering where I have been? I’ve been a little under the weather. The wintery weather, I mean.

Morning winter Field
Morning Winter field

Snow, snow, snow and more snow. That’s been my life for the last week or so. Seven days straight of getting up at 3a.m. to plow snow. I believe it is wearing on me. I got the day off today so I had planned to sleep in. 5a.m. is not sleeping in! is what I am telling myself right now. This week has been a bit rough and I am a bit of a grumpy person right now. I need my sleep!
As many know, I am not a morning person. Never have been. My Farmer, of course, loves mornings. He also loves it when I get up early with him. He gets all chitty chatty and happy. I hate that. The worse thing for a not a morning person to encounter in the early mornings is a happy morning person that talks. See, I am grouchy. My Farmer has learned not to talk to me first thing in the morning, especially when its 3a.m. When we are out plowing, he waits for me to call him, then he knows its OK to chat. I try really hard not to be this way. (Well maybe not real hard.) It’s just the way I am. He deals with it. He’s such a great guy.

My Front Door View
My Front Door View

We have gotten over 2 feet of new snow in the last week. Added to the 2 feet of snow we already had on the ground, needless to say, it is piling up around here. Along with lots of wind, its been a tough week here in our area. The snowbanks along the roads are getting tall, the roads are getting narrow, cars that haven’t moved all winter have disappeared into a pile of snow, there are huge mountains of snow piles everywhere, and people can no longer see out of their houses do to the deep snow covering their windows. There are huge snow drifts, some are way over 10 feet tall. Its an incredible sight!

My windor view
My Window View covered with snow

All the snow plows around have been working around the clock at trying to keep the roads open and everyone’s driveways cleared, so life can go on as always. I guarantee, 50 years ago (or even now in some places), a storm like this, many people would have found themselves snowed in for the whole week. Our road departments do a fantastic job at keeping the roads cleared so our lives are not disrupted by a little snow. Well, a lot of snow this week. Here in our Idaho mountains, the residents and the visitors are able to continue to get to work, get to the ski hill, get to the doctor, or even get the heck out of dodge!, if need be. (which the latter would be my choice if I had the chance😀) I hereby applaud all the hard working snow removal people out there. You are so much appreciated. THANK YOU, sincerely. Don’t take this wrong, but someday, I hope not to have to care about the wonderful job you do. Someday I will spend the winter where they do not know what a snow plow or snow shovel looks like!

County plowed road
County Plowed Road

Until that day comes, I will continue to spend the winter days here in the Idaho mountains Livin’ the Life, the Farm Life this is.

snow covered wheel line
Snow covered wheel line

If you are wondering how the cows and my Farmer are coping with all this snow, stop back by in a few days and I will tell ya. That is as long as it doesn’t snow for the next few days so I can write!

Winter Sunset
Winter Sunset

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