How I made MY Vision Board
‘Tis the season for new years resolutions. Making them…..and breaking them. To be honest, I stopped making new years resolutions years ago. Oh, I still thought about it. You know, “I should make a new year’s resolution to lose some weight or to eat healthier”. Yet I never really did it. Mostly, because I knew I’d be breaking it.
Resolution or Goal??
This year I have been reading a lot about people setting goals for the new year rather then making a new year’s resolution. So what is the difference? I decided to look up the definition of the words resolution and goal. A resolution is a firm decision to do or not do something. A goal is an aim or desired result. I think I like this goal setting idea. A goal sounds easier or maybe less intimidating; an aim rather than a firm decision. That fits with me. I am a terrible decision maker.
With goals, they say to set more then one, and have goals for your personal life and your work or business life. So with setting multiple goals, there seems to be a good chance I will at least accomplish one of them. Right?!?!
After you set your goals, you are suppose to break it down with steps on how to accomplish the said goal. An example would be….with my goal to lose weight, I will lose 2 pounds a month, and to do that, I will stop eating that bowl of ice cream every night (I really don’t eat ice cream every night….only when I have my favorite flavor in the freezer) (wink wink). But you get the jest. Having the steps broken down on how to accomplish your goal is really important in helping you to hit that goal.
Sooo……in following with what is “in”, I have set my goals for the new year. Now, once you set your goals, you are to write them down. This is where I drop the ball. The actual act of writing them down on paper is hard. I think I am actually afraid to make the commitment. Afraid I will fail. Afraid of choosing a goal that is not reachable. I commented on one of my fellow bloggers Facebook posts about making goals; that I liked the idea and I was going to write down my goals. Which I did not. (I’m a big talker, not a big doer). She replied to my comment the next day and ask if I had written them down yet. Nope. Had not. Dang, I hate accountability. Since this was out there on social media, I figured I had better be accountable and do it. So I did. I wrote them down on paper. Then I started thinking about her next suggestion, making a vision board for your goals. When I was active in network marketing, they highly suggested vision boards. I never made one. I couldn’t decide what to put on it or how to make it. (Just for clarification, I was that little 5 year old girl that would stand in front of the candy selection for an hour trying to decide which candy she wanted. I didn’t what to mess up and get the one I didn’t really want. Crazy, but that’s how I was and kind of still am).
Since I had taken the step and written my goals for the year down, I decided, what the heck….I am doing a vision board! If I want my blog business to grow, I need to see my goals so I can envision them everyday and stay motivated!
I did it. I created one. I even have it where I look at it every day. Many times a day. Many, many times a day. How did I make my vision board? I used my note app on my phone and used the drawing feature. Totally silly, but I did it! It was really kind of fun doing it too! Your next question, I’m sure, is….where did I put it so I see it daily. I made it as the wallpaper on my phone! Yep, it’s right there, staring me in the face every time I wake up my phone. Honestly, I’m not sure how many more days I can have it as my wallpaper. It would be adorable if my grandson had drawn it. Not so adorable drawn by me. But what the heck. I finally created a vision board! Woohoo! For that I am proud. The drawing, not so much. But it was fun.
Now I have my goals and have my vision board, and it’s visible! My next step is to breakdown how I will accomplish each goal. I am working on that. I have also decided I do need accountability. Which I hate, but I do know it is important. So for accountability, I am sharing my vision board in this post. You can all keep me accountable. First, no judging and no laughing. I am not an artist. Never claimed to be. Especially when it comes to drawing on a phone screen! The looks of it does not matter. What matters is that I have goals written down, have them on a vision board, and it is there for me to see everyday, which is very important. (that last part is mostly for myself. I have to keep telling myself this. Because it really does look silly on my phone)
This is scary!…..but here it is. My masterpiece……

Amazing! Right!?! I know! I can’t believe I am sharing this either. Maybe I should have a contest. The first person to guess my goals from my vision board gets a prize. (I am totally laughing here) My vision board has personal goals and business goals. Go ahead. Try and guess what my goals are. (I am smiling big time here) I can probably come up with a prize. (I am thinking)
So there you have it. My new year’s goals (some of them, anyways). I am pretty proud of just doing these steps. As I am concluding this post, I realize that I should have made one of my goals “make a vision board” and I would be like “woohoo! I have accomplished a goal!”.
Whether I accomplish any of these goals or not, it doesn’t really matter. What matters is that having goals makes me have a vision. And having a vision is like having hope. And without hope, life isn’t fun. Working towards completing any one of these goals, will make me grow as a person. Completing that one goal will make me a happier person. Completing that other one goal will really make me feel like I am living the life. As I work towards these goals, I will still be smiling, still Livin’ the Life, the Farm Life that is, and now laughing every time I look at my phone’s wallpaper.
If you would like to read my fellow bloggers post on setting new year’s goals and making vision boards, the one that gave me the push to write down my goals and to do a vision board, which in turn pushed me to write this post, here is the link to that post. Thanks Holly!
So. What are you doing this new Year? Resolution or Goal? Do you have a vision board? Leave me a comment below and let me know. And don’t forget to guess what my goals are. 🙂

I love vision boards! Thanks for the great ideas!
Thanks Robin for stopping by!
Sydney Delong
LOL I love your vision board! Your commentary about it cracked me up
Thank you!
Your hilarious and I love your humor! But this reminds me that I really need to get on it with my vision board!
Do it! Don’t put it off. Thank you for your comment. Humor is what I strive for through my blog. Thanks for stopping in!
Thank you!
Lora Rovegna
I keep saying I need to write down my goals. I love the idea of vision boards. One day I will make one.
Do it! Write those goals down…anywhere! You will be glad you did!
I have a goal and an accountability partner. I’m still too scared to voice my goal to others outside of my immediate family, but I’m working on it! I love your vision board 🙂
I think it is very scary to voice a person goals. That’s great that you have a goal and an accountability partner. So important.
So happy that you got it done! Congratulations and thank you for sharing my post, I’m so glad you felt inspired!
Thank you Holly!
I am working on mine!
Awesome! Good luck on completing your goals!
Cool idea for a vision board. I’m thinking of making one for my phone.
DO it! It’s fun!
heather jandrue
I went to a vision board party a couple of weeks ago. It was so much fun. I love making them each year.
A vision board party sounds fun. I can see where it would be very inspiring!
I have heard so much about vision boards recently that I would love to create one.
Go for it! It was hard to decide how to create it, but it was really fun.
Amy Irvin
It’s awesome that you shared this.
It was hard. completely out of my comfort zone. lol
Lisa Manderino
I love your vision board!
Thank yoU!
Tonya | the Writer Mom
I love this post! I’ve never actually made a vision board, but I will… someday. Lol!
Thank you! It was fun making a vision board. Next time I will spend a bit more time on it. You should try it!
Your vision board looks very similar to mine. I’ve struggled with writing down goals as well……I keep saying, “It’s all up in here!” (my head).
Thank you for sharing that you are in the same boat as me. I have always kept it in my head. It doesnt get lost that way. lol
I was also a little girl who took forever to decide on which candy, and that’s still somewhat my decision-making process. What a great idea to put your vision board on your phone – though i will most likely draw on paper, take a photo, then put that on my phone. 😉
I guess some things we just do not out grow. Drawing on paper and taking a photo will work! Thanks for stopping by!
Hilarious and well done!
Tricia Snow
I need to do this! Thank you for sharing yours!
Good luck in doing yours and completing your goals!
Melissa Jones
I love making vision boards!! I have done that for years! Thanks for sharing!
This was my first one. I may spend a bit more time on my next one. Thanks for stopping by!
Christina Furnival
What a magnificent vision board! I love it. Good luck achieving all the goals you set!
Thanks! It’s silly, but fun.
My husband and I LOVE our vision board! I need to help my kids make one too.
haha, thanks! I bet your kids would love that! Thanks for stopping by.
Katherine Wolfe
I LOVE your vision board! It’s so cute and clever! When I first saw it, I thought, “oh…she wants to become a police officer?!?!” Ha ha. If I drew my own pics, God only knows what people would think!
That’s funny. It is suppose to be me exercising, walking or running. I am not good at drawing.
I love the idea of a vision board! I like being able to see goals all in one place. I like the phone wallpaper idea!
The wallpaper idea so a total last minute plan….but it works! lol
I created a vision board for the very first time this new year. It really helps to visualize your goals and see the outcome that could happen if you follow through. Thank you for sharing!
This is my first one. it does seem to make your goals more real. thanks for stopping by.
Stacey Billingsley
So cool! I just made my first vision board, but I glued pictures to a small posterboard. It’s currently on a table near my desk at school, but I was planning on bringing it home. Maybe I should just leave it at work since I spend so much time there. I should take a picture of it and put it as my phone’s wallpaper, though. That’s a good idea!
if you have it on your phone and on your desk, it will be very visible! good luck with completing your goals.
I don’t believe in NY resolution either. But rather I write down my SMART goals – something realistic and achievable. I love your idea of the vision board. So if I can guess, one of them is being active (e.g. hiking)?
Yes! One of them is being more active! I would love to start walking or even start jogging but I have a hard time getting it done, especially when there is 2 feet of snow outside. Thanks for stopping by!
Robin @ Reinventing Robin
I TOTALLY love it!! You’re so awesome for sharing this!! If I had to draw it, mine would look pretty much the same, so way to go!! A vision board seems like it could be kind of overwhelming to tackle, so doing it this way is short and sweet and best of all you get a good smile looking at it everyday!! 😉 Thank you!
I did always feed vision boards where overwhelming. This one it completely not! Thanks for stopping by!
I have good intentions of creating a vision board but I never have. Thanks for the inspiration!
You are welcome! Thanks for stopping by!
T.M. Brown
I’ve been more interested in creating a vision board of late. I have a book where I jot down my dreams, but I’d love to have them more visually accessible. Thanks for the inspiration!
I too have wrote them down in a note book before and then I never looked at it again. But now they are visible! at least some of my goals. LOL Thanks for stopping by!
Awesome vision board… functional, inspirational, and fun.
Thanks Susan! I needed it fun!
I love vision boards. What a great way to stay motivated.
I am finding that it does help with the motivation!
I love your vision board! Any form of capturing dreams and goals is valuable. I have a physical vision board hanging in office studio. It’s made from poster board, magazine cutouts and words and phrases.
And I used Canva to create a digital vision board that is the wallpaper on my phone. Both boards inspire me.