Change of perspective.
My Farmer and I made a trip to the valley a while back. (yes, it was farm related, we took some cull cows down to the sale) As we were driving along, looking at all the new developments down there, the thought of this blog came to mind.
When I was little, riding in the car in the countryside, I would look out over an open field and wonder why no one had built a house there yet. Now I look out where there once was an open field now filled up with houses, and wonder where are we gonna grow our food. I now have a whole different perspective. Is it because I am now older and I am the one responsible for buying our food or is it because I am a part of the Agricultural industry. Maybe a little of both, but probably mostly because I’m in Ag. When I was little, I never thought or worried about where my next meal was coming from. My parents supplied it. My mom cooked it and served it. (And even grew some of it in her garden) Now I am the one responsible for buying and serving the food. Boy, there are days I would love to go back. Ok, honestly, everyday. I hate the responsibility of buying and cooking. And I am terrible at growing a garden. But that’s a personal issue.
Being a part of the Ag industry has taught be to appreciate our food, and what is needed to supply the world population with nutritional, affordable, and safe food and fiber. Land is one of those needs. This is why when I drive by and see houses in fields where corn used to be grown, my first reaction is “Now where are they growing that corn?”. Because we still need it. In fact, we will need to produced more food and fiber for the increasing world population. I ready believe this is something we all need to keep in mind.
Years ago, I was doing my Ag in the classroom talk, and my Farmer’s grandpa went with me. It was a very special treat to have him there, as he had been a farmer all his life and I had not. I had married into it. Needless to say, I was honored to have him there with me but also a little nervous, feeling he was more knowledgeable about what I was talking about then I was. I did my presentation then he asked if he could say something to the kids. He was a man of few words, yet his few words were powerful. His comment to the kids went something like this…
As we continue to grow as a population, we will need to continue to increase our food production and that requires land. So we must always remember to take care of our land and soil and always make sure we have enough land to grow our food on.
That probably was a turning point in my presentation and my perspective. I really had never thought about that. That’s when I started adding the apple talk to my presentation at the schools. I am planning on making a video of the apple talk, so I can share it with you all. Key word is planning. I can make videos, however sharing it on this blog is still beyond my knowledge. I will master it one of these days!! So watch for it!!
As I close this blog, I would like to ask one thing from you all. The next time you take a drive in the country, or through a new housing development that used to be good farm ground, I encourage you take a moment to think about it. With the growing population we do need houses, yet we also have to provide food and fiber, provided by the Ag industry, for all those people living in those houses.
Thanks again for taking the time to stop and read my thoughts here on my blog site. Now, I’m gonna head out and find my Farmer to see if I can catch him doing something funny so I can share it with you all. It’s time for some humor!!! After all, that’s what keeps me Livin’ the Life, the Farm Life that is.

Katherine Wolfe
Thanks for sharing your sweet life with us! We just got back from visiting my brother and his family who are now living on a farm in Eastern WA. It was a delight to see his peaceful and fulfilling life!
Glad you got to visit them. So happy for him that he is enjoying the farm life. thanks for the comment.
Stephanie Dee
Your article made me a little teary. Growing up the daughter of a farmer we always had good vegetables and s well cooked chicken. When my mom went to work while I was in high school everything about our food changed. No more wholesome produce – it was replaced by quick processed foods. Yes, we must protect our land and our fields and increase access to healthy, farm grown, not laboratory processed food!
The food industry has made it so easy and convenient for us to replace a homecooked meal with fast processed meals. Which, sometimes is really nice, but not always the best for us. Thanks for your comment.
Lisa Manderino
Farm land where I live is almost non-existent. There are so many people crowded in one location with no place to grow food!
It’s disappearing all around us. Thanks for the comment.
Christina Furnival | Real Life Mama
It is scary to think about running out of land! We must preserve and care for our beautiful earth.
I agree! Thanks for the comment.
Ginger Sorensen
I grew up in Wisconsin and remember the long afternoon drives my family would take through the countryside to go visit my Grandparents who lived in a little community between farms.
I always remember thinking how amazing it was to see fields and fields of farmland and wondering how it all worked. I think as a society we have definitely forgotten just where all this food comes from. Thanks for sharing this post. It was touching.
Thank you Ginger for this comment. I’m so glad you felt this post was touching. That really means a lot to me. Thank you so much for stopping by!!