Silent Sunday Pictures
Picture posts
A Lesson from my Farmer… How to Really get a Tractor stuck
This happened yesterday evening. I didn’t completely get my Farmers permission to blog about this and post these pictures, so this is a “Do Not Tell my Farmer!” post. Since its Silent Sunday, I will just post pictures and not write (much). You’ll see why my Farmer would not be pleased. The best part about this (in my opinion) is, if you are following me on Facebook, you seen that I got the tractor stuck the day before. This one was my Farmer’s doing. He got the tractor stuck. Really stuck. And I took a couple of awesome pictures to remember it by. Hehe. It is a beautiful day out…
We Survived! So far…..
Glad that’s over! That’s about all I can say about last month. I’ve been trying to decide how I can write about what this last month was like and I’ve decided I really can’t. I just can’t find the words to describe it. Snow, wind, stress, and more blowing snow. That’s what I’ll remember. Don’t get me wrong, we are use to lots of snow here. Its when it comes fast and furious, that makes it trying.During the last storm, when we were getting 10 inches of snow a day, with 30 mph wind gusts, on top of the 4 feet of snow already on the ground, I was reminded…
Winter Now and Then through Pictures
As I was looking for pictures to post, I came across some old winter pictures and realized that I seem to take my photos of the same view or the same objects year after year. I thought it might be fun to compare them. All of these photos where taken around the same time in January. In January of 2008, we had a windy snow storm hit that put down lots of snow fast. We actually had to plow out through the field in order for our cows to get to water and to feed them. We had never had to do that before or have we had to since.…