The Difference between a Farmer and a Rancher.
What is the difference between a farmer and a rancher? I hear this question a lot. In my blog posts, I am always going back and forth when it comes to calling our place a farm or a ranch. Which, for some people, might seem confusing. We grow crops and we have cows. Both a farmer and a rancher can have cows and either can grow crops. So lets see if I can clear things up, clear as mud anyhow, when it comes to telling if a person is a farmer or a rancher and why I know my Farmer is a farmer.
A Farmer or a Rancher. Here are a few things I look at, when it comes to telling the difference.

The Repair Kit……..A ranchers repair kit consists of a roll of wire and fencing pliers. A farmers repair kit consists of snap ties, duct tape, and vise grips.

The Hat……..A farmer wears a cap usually advertising a seed or equipment company. A rancher wears his western hat. Except when they dress up, the farmer will wear his western hat, and the rancher will wear his new western hat.

Choice of Ride……..A farmer herds his cows with an ATV, snowmobile, motorcycle, pickup, tractor, or most anything with a motor. A rancher uses his horse.

The Rope……..A farmer’s rope will not be coiled up properly and probably can not be coiled up properly. It will have 2 or more knots in it. He uses his rope for everything from pulling a piece of machinery to tying up a cow. A rancher uses his rope for actually catching livestock and he actually knows how to throw a loop to catch an animal.
Why I know my Farmer is a farmer……..
He wears a cap, the cowboy hat goes on when we go out; he always has duct tape handy; he rides an ATV (and has herded cattle with a snowmobile, and that’s a blog in itself); and his rope is not coiled up, definitely can not be coiled up properly, and for sure has more than 2 knots in it.
My Farmer is quick to inform me that he does have a rope properly coiled up, hanging in the barn. I, in return, inform him that it’s because a friend, whom actually ropes critters, gave it to him and he hasn’t had the need to use it yet.
I hope this helps you out when it comes to knowing the difference between a farmer and a rancher. Pretty much, just asked about his rope. That’ll tell ya.
Do you have more ways to tell the difference? Leave me a comment. I’d love to hear it! In the mean time, I would love for you to subscribe to by blog or even follow me on Facebook. That way you can stay up to date on what we are doing why we are Livin’ the Life, the Farm Life that is. Well, I’m livin’ the life, not sure my Farmer looks at it that way. (wink, wink)

Love it! Thanks for the clarification. Kelly is a farmer too. Duct tape is everywhere
Duct tape is a for sure farmer! lol