Farming,  Life


Welcome to my blog! I am so excited to be switching my old blog to my very own “Livin’ the Life, the Farm Life that is” new blog domain.  I’ll be sharing some of my old stories along with new ones. 

First off, I invite you to read my About page.  It’ll give you a little background on me and my “Farmer” (that would be my hubby and that is how I will refer to him in my posts). When I married my Farmer, which seems like eons ago, I really didn’t know what I was getting into. I believe that is true for anyone that gets married, but you see, the man I married was a farmer. And when you marry a farmer, you don’t just marry him, you marry the farm. That may sound crazy, but for you farm and ranch wives out there, you can relate. I am now my Farmers right hand (wo)man, and yes, we are still best of friends, most days anyhow. I have learned to drive the tractors, disk a field, bale hay, herd cows, drive a semi-truck, drive the combine, and how to check the moisture in a potato field. All skills any girl would be proud to put on a resume’, don’t ya think? Farming is a business; it is also, our way of life. Farming is what we do and we are very proud of it. I do feel very grateful for the life lessons I have learned here on the farm, and that is what I would like to share through this blog. I will share things my Farmer is doing and has done, fun stories that have happened in the past and are happening now, and I’ll throw in a little Ag ed here and there.  
So, please come back, live a little farm life with me through my blogging adventure because remember….I am……..Livin’ the Life, the Farm Life that is.

My shadow

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