Why oh Why do we farm??
REPOST!! Original post date…. April 30, 2017.
The question, Why do we farm?, was asked the other day. (It may have been me asking, it may have been my Farmer asking. Can’t really remember 😉 ) I remembered that I had written a blog post about this exact question years ago, so I decided to find it. It took a bit of digging, but I found it. After reading it, I decided I liked what I had written, so instead of writing a whole new post, I am reposting this old post. I wrote it 4 years ago. Wow, how time flies when you are having fun Livin’ the Life, the Farm Life that is.
April 30, 2017
This spring has been a long one. Lots of really yucky weather, which seems to make a person rather “on-edge” and “grouchy”, especially when you are out working in it…….all day and parts of the night. I was pretty negative in my last writing, which I apologize for, as that is not my intention with my blog. However, maybe it’s good to let you know that I do have bad days. Days I wonder what I am doing here. Miserable days seem to make a person wonder why do we do this? Why we farm? The thoughts in my head shout… “I’m sure there are easier jobs out there! Like inside a building! That pays more money!”
As I was out checking cows, I was asking myself why. It had been raining and snowing all morning, again. It was windy and cold, and my thoughts were heading in that direction…..Why do we farm!?!? It’s for sure not for the money! And it is not because its easy! It’s definitely not the glamour job that some people think it is.
I stopped on top of a hill in the pasture, pondering this question. As I sat there, looking out over the land, suddenly the wind became a whisper, the blue sky started to peek out from behind the clouds, the sun shined it’s warmth across my face and a different view began to form within my mind and my soul.
Why do we farm?
What makes this farming life worth it? Here are just a few of my why’s.
The serenity one feels while sitting out in the middle of a 160 acre field and soaking it all in……the sights, the sounds, the smells.
Listening to the sound of a momma cow softly mooing to her new born calf.
Witnessing a newborn calf struggle and finally accomplish, after many attempt, to get his legs planted firmly underneath him and stand. Then watch as he miraculously makes the way, through pure instincts, to momma’s utter for that much anticipated and nutritional first meal.
Watching the hay fields bare up, after being buried underneath deep layers of snow for 5 months, turn green and begin to grow. (or was it 10 months cover with snow 😉 )
The smell of the pasture grass “waking up” after it has been harrowed.
Watching a fox sneak up then pounce on his unsuspected prey as he hunts for his next meal.
Listening to 150 black birds (yep…I counted) lined up on the power line and fence line singing joyfully as if saying “Hello Spring!”
Watching an eagle or hawk glide flawlessly in flight over head.
The smell of the fresh turned dirt as it boils out from behind the plow.
The sweet fragrant smell of a freshly cut hay field.
Witnessing the gratification that radiates from my Farmer’s face as he looks out across his field of oats, that has grown over chest high.
The silent pride we feel watching our calf crop enter into the auction ring. Knowing that all those sleepless nights during calving season have paid off.
The adoration felt watching my Farmer pass on his knowledge to the next generation; that was passed down to him from the previous generation, that was passed down to them.
The indescribable feeling that washes over me in the realization, that others in my Farmer’s family, has sat in this same spot, doing this same thing, on this same land for over 100 years.
That, my friends, are just a few simple reasons of why we do what we do.
A few simple reasons of Why oh Why do we farm.
Yep, I AM…….Livin’ the Life, the FARM LIFE that is…..
And I am truly blessed.
(However, if it frickin’ snows again tomorrow………the why will be back. 😉 )
So there you have it. My “Why oh Why we farm”, from 4 years ago (with a few tweaks here and there 😉 ). A lot has changed in those 4 years, yet these simple reasons have not. Except that my Farmer is now passing down his knowledge to yet another generation…..his grandsons.