Sending out the year with Pictures
It Takes a Rope to Lead a Cow
After blogging about the difference between a farmer and a rancher, I want to tell you a little story about an incident that happened a few years back. Quite a few years back actually. We had a cow that was having difficulties calving and we needed to get her into the corral so we could help her. She did not want help and there was no way she was going into the corral. After running her around in circles, or she was running us around, I asked my Farmer if maybe we could rope her. He’s first reaction was, “What good would that do!? Once we get a rope on…
Who gets to stay and who goes to town…..determined by a preg test
I helped my Farmer preg test some old cows the other day. Most ranches do this every year. We do not. My Farmer usually is pretty aware of which cows are open (not pregnant), but this year we had a few that he wasn’t sure about; so comes the need for the preg test. How do we preg test a cow you may ask. No, we do not have them pee on a stick. Preg testing a cow is done by literally sticking your arm inside the cow and feeling for a calf. Such a glamorous job. As I said, I helped my Farmer. I ran the chute. He stuck…