Agriculture is an important part of our everyday lives
One of the reasons I started this blog was for agricultural education. So far, I have mostly just been sharing my personal stories. Today I would like to launch the first of a new label, AG ED 101. Years ago, I attended an Ag in the Classroom workshop. This class really opened my eyes on how important agriculture is. That’s when I went from a farmer’s wife to a proud farmer’s wife and a proud part of the Agriculture industry. After attending the workshop I started going to the local schools and talking about agriculture and how it affects our everyday lives. This is one of the stories from the “ag book”, “Is a Day without Agriculture Possible”, that I share with the kids.
We depend on agriculture for much more than just our food and clothing. Let’s take a look at an average day and see some of the agricultural products and byproducts that you might use.
You wake up on sheets of cotton that have been woven with cornstarch for sizing. You step out of bed onto a carpeted floor. The rug pad underneath the carpet is made from hair from the hide of cattle. As you reach for your robe, you might notice how warm it is in the house. The insulation used in the walls is produced with a byproduct from cattle and hogs. The plaster on the walls is made with a binder produced of hide of hogs and cattle. The wallboard also contains cornstarch and soy flour from the soybean. The soap you use to wash your face is make from byproducts of corn, soybeans and cattle. At the breakfast table, you notice that everything came from agriculture in some form or another. The food might have been made sweet by a corn sugar called fructose. As you eat, you remember your homework assignment that you finished last night; the paper you wrote it on contains a corn and soybean byproduct that helps hold the ink. The tires on the school bus are made with a byproduct of beef, stearic acid, that is very important to make the tires run cooler, therefore, they last longer. The bus might by fueled by gasohol which is a grain alcohol made from corn and gasoline. You arrive at school ready for a great day made possible by agricultural byproducts.
Did you learn anything new from this story? I would love to have you leave a comment and let me know. Until next time, I’m still Livin’ the life, the Farm Life that is. And very proud of it!

Rachel Newlon
I come from a family of farmers and married a lovely man from Nebraska who grew up raising cattle. I have a huge respect for both as without them, we’d all be lost!
Farmers and Ranchers provide a lot for us. I’m thankful for them!! Thanks for reading!
I’ve definitely never realized how much the world around me (that isn’t food) is influence by agriculture. Very interesting!
Very few people really know this. Including a lot of farmers and ranchers!! Thanks for reading!
Tiffany F
Great reminders on why farming is just so much more than food!
it really is so much more! Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Stacy Frazer
Love this article! So informative! I knew some but quite a few were all new to me! Thank you for this post and thank you for what you do for a living!
It is pretty interesting I think. Thanks for taking the time and reading it.
I live in AZ..Agriculture is all over from citrus to cattle! I have been involved with the FFA.. I love your blog and I’m excited to be able to watch it grow!!
Thank you! We are trying to get an FFA chapter started in our town. I hear so many good things about it and feel our community would really benefit from one. Thanks for reading!
YAAASSSS! I am learning so much about ag from local homesteading friends. It’s fascinating! 🙂
Yeah! It’s always fun to learn! Thanks for reading!
I love this! Agriculture really is so important!
Yes it is! Thanks for reading!
I never really took the time to think about all the things around us that come from farms. My daughter is a fact freak and will enjoy this so I am planning to share with her 🙂
There are a lot more things that come from Agriculture made from by products that would blow your mind. My goal is to share more about this. Thanks for reading.
Kristi @ Way Beyond The Norm
I love farms and farmers. However, I dislike that everything is made from corn. I was diagnosed with anaphylactic reactions to corn. Finding safe food to eat that is free from “corntamination” is a real struggle. I even had reactions to the dentist bibs and gloves when I’d get my teeth cleaned because their bibs and gloves were sprinkled with cornstarch to prevent them from sticking together. Even their sterilization chemicals are made from corn. Your information just verifies how much we are surrounded by corn in everyday life and what a struggle it is for corn allergy sufferers to eliminate it from our lives.
Kristi, that would be such an terrible allergy to live with. So many products are made with a corn byproduct. So sorry you have to struggle so with this. Good luck with you. Thanks for reading this post.
Katie Mitchell
I’ve never really thought about how agriculture is all around us!
It is literally all around! Thanks for readying.
My mom grew up on a farm and I actually have a degree in Horticulture and Sustainable Agriculture from the University of CT. I also happen to have an organic gardening blog, so you’re right up my alley. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for readying Dawn. I will check out your blog!
Ruth Iaela-Pukahi
As a student not ready for AG ED 101, I really appreciated a short post to pipe my curiosity. 😉 Seriously, wallboards, soap, and tires have ingredients from a farm?! Interesting… 🙂
Human civilization would be unrecognizable without agriculture! Great post 🙂
Susan Franklin
I did learn something new! I didn’t realize how many products were made from animal by-products or agriculture. Very interesting and informative.
It is amazing how much of what we use everyday comes from farmers. Thank you!
It truly is amazing! And I would have to say thanks to the scientists and inventors that figure out how to use by-products to make products that make our lives easier. Thanks for reading!
T.M. Brown
Wow – talk about perspective! I love the picture you painted about getting up in the morning and realizing the origin of the things around you. Fascinating.
Thank you. The story was not mine originally. I got the idea from somewhere else but I feel it really does put you in the moment and help you realize the impact. Thank you for reading.
How interesting! Yes, I learned so much. Hope all your posts are this informational.
Thank you. I will have more Ag info!
It is definitely a very important part of our lives
Yes it is. Thank you for reading
I have just gone through your website and it gives more information about what we are searching for more information please browse this site https://agriculturegoods.com/why-is-agriculture-important/
Hello! Thank you. I will check out your site!