About me….

I am a simple small town girl. Well, I suppose I should say woman, but that makes me sound old, which I refuse to admit to. I was raised in the country but not on a farm. However I feel I grew up on this farm. I married my Farmer at a very young age, three weeks after I graduated high school. I was 17. That is why I say I feel as if I grew up on the farm. Living here for over 40 years, I have learned so much about farming, ranching, and life.

My Farmer
My Farmer was raised on this farm. He is the 4th generation to farm this land. That is something we are very proud of. He is a great guy and he has taught me so much. I am very thankful that he chose me to share this wonderful life with. Most of my blogs will be about him. I may make fun of him, (after all one of my main goals is that the reader is smiling when reading my blog), but he is the best darn farmer I know and I have so much respect for him.
We have raised two wonderful boys on this farm. They are actually young men, but again, admitting that makes me seem old, so we will keep them as my boys. They have both moved back here to the farm and help us out. We have two grandson, the start of the 6th generation on this land. And we can’t leave out all of our puppy dogs……they love this farm as much as we do.

Why blog
I am an Agriculture Advocate! I love sharing! And I love telling our stories!
As I said earlier, I married into this life at a pretty young age. I learned right off that it is a different way of life. It was a huge adjustment at first, but I adjusted and I love it. (Well, most days anyhow. Some days I do wonder). My goal with this blog is to give the reader a glimpse into what it’s like to live on a farm. To share stories of what we do. Well mostly what my Farmer does, as he is the key player on our farm. Also I want to share with the reader how important Agriculture is to our lives. I took a class years ago called Ag in the Classroom. It really opened my eyes on what an important role this industry has in our lives. Have you ever realized that Agriculture is one industry that we can not live without? Did you eat today? Did you know we can not go a day without Agriculture? And in ways you have no idea. I will have a blog post on this so look for it. I have shared in classrooms, at board meetings, hosted farm tours, and have loved it all. Now I’m sharing through blogging. I invite you to grab a seat and follow along as I share what my Farmer is doing and what it’s like to be…..Livin’ the Life, the Farm Life that is.