A trip off the farm puts a smile on this Farmers wife.
We ran away from the farm the other day and went to the big city over night. When you are married to a farmer, this is considered a vacation. A mini-vacation, but still a vacation. It was the first time I have been off the farm in a long time. The first chance to just wander around and shop at my leisure. (well, not totally my leisure since my Farmer was along) It felt so wonderful. We were gone from the farm 32 hours. Really. That is huge for us. With most of our mini vacations I am lucky if we are gone 22 hours. Longer than that is rare. Now of course, the trip did involve picking up supplies; mineral for the cows, straw for the cows, supplies for the shop. But as you know, that’s how it is when you are married to a farmer. The best part of the trip, besides spending the night in a hotel, dinner out, lunch out, and just hanging out with my Farmer, was………..are you ready!?!? SHOPPING FOR GLOVES!!!! And BUYING NEW GLOVES!!!

This is one happy farmers wife right now. (huge smile) My Farmer bought me a new, well actually, two new pairs of gloves. (I say he bought because we used his card) Love IT!!!! I do love new gloves. A lot of girls love to buy shoes. I love to buy gloves. My most favorite kind to buy is leather.

The gloves have to fit really well. My hands are small, so it is very hard to find a small pair of gloves that fit. Most of the time the pinkie finger part sticks out way past the end of my pinkie finger. I so hate that. When I find a pair that fits all my fingers and feels good, I have to buy them. My Farmer says I have a glove fetish. I will admit, I am a little obsessed when it comes to gloves. But Fetish? I’m not sure about admitting to that.
My Farmer is now beginning to get into buying gloves. (this is a DO NOT TELL HIM I said this). He used to wear two kind of gloves. White canvas ones in summer and yellow fuzzy ones in winter. But I have showed him the light. I have taught him that a good fitting glove, and a glove designed for the job, makes the day a better day.

My Farmer always says, if you can’t find Shirl in the store, just go to the glove department. It is was true. To prove to him that I’m not always in the gloves, I now make sure I go to other departments first. (Just because I can’t let him be right, you know.) So during our mini vacation, we are in the farm store, I am shopping everywhere but the glove department, just because, and my Farmer, I assumed was in the tool section. I just happened to stroll past the glove section and there he was. He already had a new pair of gloves in his cart! Fair game, I too start glove shopping. We are both standing there, looking at gloves, when my Farmer strikes up a conversation with a couple other glove shoppers. I believe the number one thing said by a guy in the glove department is “I can’t believe how much gloves cost”. My Farmer answers, “and I can’t believe we actually pay that for them”. My Farmer puts the expensive gloves back. Once the other guys leave, my Farmer picks the gloves back up and puts them in his cart. He says, “They are good gloves. I need them”. I just chuckle to myself and take note that he now has 2 pairs of gloves, so I pick out another pair for myself. Fair is fair right?!?!

Ok. Now, as I dump out the shopping bag so I can snap a picture of our new gloves, I realize that my Farmer bought 3 pairs of gloves not 2! Dang! I guess you know what that means. Yep, I am going shopping for another pair. After all, that’s how I roll, and that’s why I’m smiling……as I am Livin’ the Life, the Farm Life that is.