A Lesson from my Farmer… How to Really get a Tractor stuck
This happened yesterday evening. I didn’t completely get my Farmers permission to blog about this and post these pictures, so this is a “Do Not Tell my Farmer!” post. Since its Silent Sunday, I will just post pictures and not write (much). You’ll see why my Farmer would not be pleased. The best part about this (in my opinion) is, if you are following me on Facebook, you seen that I got the tractor stuck the day before. This one was my Farmer’s doing. He got the tractor stuck. Really stuck. And I took a couple of awesome pictures to remember it by. Hehe.

It is a beautiful day out don’t you think! That’s what I was thinking on the walk all the way back to the barn to get the other tractor. It was a wonderful “bonding” time between me and my Farmer.

Note where my Farmer is standing at the back of the tractor. This is the trail where we had been feeding the cows before that last big snow storm hit and covered it up. The front of the tractor is not on the trail. Hint, the reason it is stuck.

We plowed down about 2 feet to the hard packed trail we had been feeding on before, so we could pull the other tractor out easily. And it did pull right out. No issues at all. Which I am always very thankful for. I hate pulling and towing. It is NOT my most favorite activity to participate in.
I would guess there is 4 to 5 feet of snow in the field total. As long as we stayed on the packed trail, the tractors stayed on top. Once you get off that trail, you’re in trouble. The hard part is seeing where the trail is. Take a look at that first picture again and tell me if you can tell where it is. It all pretty much looks the same to me. White.
I don’t think we will be feeding the cows down at this part of the pasture again for a while. There is way to much snow and I think both of us have been stuck enough for this winter. But you never know around here when you’re Livin’ the Life, the Farm Life that is…

Mary Blair
I promise I won’t tell !! 😆😂😅
Good!!! hehe